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This website has been created to provide information and resources for individuals who are interested in learning more about racism.

By using these tools to continue the conversation about race, we can work together to dismantle systems of oppression that prevent us from moving forward.

For Southern Company, diversity, inclusion, and acceptance of our differences are more than words. They are central to Our Values and vital to our long-standing commitment of being a citizen wherever we serve. We must live these values each and every day.



Watch lectures, group discussions and webinars dealing with issues around racism.



Titles deal with how to have conversations about race, history of racism in America, learning to be an antiracist and more.



Listen to an audio series on how slavery has transformed America.



Professors, writers and experts deal with inequality, culture and how to build a better workplace.

TV & Movies

TV & Movies

Pop culture tools teach lessons about racial inequality and foster understanding of how racism impacts life in America.

We welcome your feedback, questions and suggestions on content to include on this site. Provide your feedback here.

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