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Working with us


Having a single point of contact for your business, along with the strength of our enterprise-wide electrification experts.


Evaluations of reliability and electric capacity at each prospective fleet depot, associated recommendations.


Support at the state level for each project, no matter how large or small, that includes:

  • Regulated Infrastructure Program integration (if applicable)
  • Charging Rate Management & Support
  • Applicable Incentives
  • State/Local policy and interconnection issues

Best practices and lessons learned throughout our company and with our customers as we partner on electrification.


Vendor meetings with our system team to review product offerings, gather input from system experts, and recommend a course of action.


A robust R&D electric transportation program that anticipates and addresses fast charging infrastructure needs, associated grid impacts, and plans to implement the technologies.


Policy leadership throughout the industry and at a federal level, and recommendations at state and local levels to maximize adoption.


Continuous feedback and applied learnings from electrification of our internal fleet.